Thursday, December 13, 2012

Thankful Thursday!!

Today's post isn't exactly fitness related.
Today I am just thinking about how grateful I am for such amazing friends and family, who support me through thick and thin. REAL friends that don't have hidden agendas and aren't trying to tear me down! I have recently been able to weed out all of the negative influences in my life and people with ill intent, and I have never been happier.

I will never understand the type of people that manipulate their way to the top or use people to get where they want in life. I am SO thankful for an amazing husband that believes in my dreams and pushes me every day to be the best version of myself. He inspires me every day, he goes after what he wants, and he sees right through fake personalities. I truly am surrounded with the very best kind of people, and it helps me every day to live my dreams and accomplish everything I have set out to do!

Moral of the story, never give up! Don't let the haters bring you down! Use them as motivation to be everything that you know you are!!
Thank you everyone for supporting my blog, letting me guide you through your life's challenges and help you change your body and your life! I get to live my dreams every single day, because of YOU!!

Love you!!

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