Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Try Something NEW Tuesday!

I got an EXCELLENT question on my @FitNFabBlog Twitter account today!!

 hi! Good day :) any advise how to control cravings, what to do to avoid eating lots of food during pre-menstrual period? Thanks"

I thought this was a great opportunity to educate all of my followers on how to make a few simple swaps in your daily diet that will make a BIG difference!!

Here is a list of foods that most people "crave:"
Salty Foods
General Overeating

Craving these types of foods is your body's way of communicating its deficiencies to you! 
Make sure to always listen to your body!
If you can make these simple healthy switches for the unhealthy foods you crave, you will be able to stop yourself from over eating and have longer lasting energy!!

If you are craving CHOCOLATE, your body is deficient in: 
Magnesium, Chromium, or Carbon.
What to eat instead: 
Nuts, Seeds, Legumes, Fresh Fruit, Broccoli, Grapes, 
Cheese, Chicken, DARK Chocolate

If you are craving SUGAR/SWEETS, your body is deficient in:
 Carbon, Phosphorous, Sulphur, or Tryptophan.
What to eat instead:
Fresh Fruit, Chicken, Beef, Fish, Eggs, Dairy, Nuts, Legumes, Grains, Cranberries, Horseradish, Cauliflower, Broccoli, Cabbage, Cheese, Lamb, Liver, Raisins, Sweet Potato, Spinach

If you are craving BREAD/PASTA/CARBS, your body is deficient in:
What to eat instead:
High Protein Foods, Meat, Fish, Nuts, Beans

If you are craving OILS/FATS, your body is deficient in:
What to eat instead:
Milk, Cheese, Yogurt, Cottage Cheese, Greek Yogurt,
 Legumes, Broccoli, Green Leafy Vegetables

If you are craving SALTY FOODS, your body is deficient in:
What to eat instead:
Fish, Goats Milk, Beef Jerky, Baked Fruit or Vegetable Chips

If you are OVEREATING in general, your body is deficient in:
Silicon, Tryptophan, or Tyrosine.
What to eat instead:
Nuts, Seeds, (AVOID Unrefined Starches Like White Bread, White Pasta, White Rice) 
Cheese, Liver, Lamb, Raisins, Sweet Potato, Spinach, Orange, 
Green or Red Fruits and Vegetables, Vitamin C Supplement, Cottage Cheese

Over the next few days, I will post examples of what I eat on a daily basis.  I crave all of these yummy foods just like the rest of you!! However, I know that if I can make sure to have access to healthy replacements, I am much more likely to snack on good food throughout the day!! 

Love you guys!!
Hope this helps!!

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