Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Try Something New Tuesday!

Do you have a hard time planning healthy meals? 
Are you overwhelmed by the thought of dieting or counting calories?

Well stress no more!!! 
I wanted to show you guys how EASY and FILLING it can be to stay under 2000 calories a day!
Here is what I ate today. 
Every meal.
(I also had a Diet Coke at some point, but that was 0 calories so those don't ever count right, lol)

Let's start with breakfast:

Breakfast is THE most important meal of the day, and my personal favorite!!
I literally can't function without eating a big breakfast!
Today it was 3 Almond Poppyseed muffins, a banana, and a glass of orange juice!
Believe me, it was VERY filling and totally delicious!
This entire meal is under 500 calories.
(Around 400-450 calories depending on what type of butter or margarine you put on your muffins.
I used 1 tbsp unsalted butter, I prefer eating a little bit of fat over processed artificial margarine.)
My metabolism has now been kickstarted and I'm ready to carpe diem!!

After getting some work done this morning and catching up on my reading I was ready for lunch!
I had a bowl of Campbell's Gouda Bisque soup, a Turkey/Cheese/Cucumber sandwich, some sugar snap peas, carrots and a tall glass of water.
Can you believe this entire meal is around 575 calories!! 
Not only that, but it is PACKED with enough nutrition to keep you full and energized for hours!

I taught a dance class tonight and had practice and by the time I got home I was STARVING!!
We plan our meals two weeks in advance to help make grocery shopping easier and ensure that we have healthy food in the fridge to avoid eating out!  
Tonight on the menu it was Spaghetti with meat sauce and whole wheat noodles, with a side salad! 
This perfectly balanced and nutritious meal comes in around 800 calories.

If you kept up with the math, todays meals come in between 1,775-1,875 calories
I didn't have any snacks today, but on a normal day I would snack on fruits and veggies between meals or the delicious Wheat Thins and Cottage Cheese from my previous post here.

I hope this helps you realize just how much food you can really allow yourself if you eat foods that have higher nutrition content. Eating healthy/dieting doesn't mean you have to starve yourself!! You would be surprised just how much you can eat if you eat the RIGHT foods!


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